the next big thing in photography
modern vintage dallas photographers

Thursday, April 29, 2010

would you jump in the water for us?

saw this awesome wedding photo and absolutely had to share it!

just wish i had thought of it on my wedding day!!!

seriously, what a fabulously artistically awesome photo... now who can we convince to do it? ;)

happy thursday!


cam (& sara)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

hey hey hey... it's tay tay... && her bridals!

i'm pretty sure you all know that i'm obsessed with tulle & birdcage veils. especially when it comes to bridals. so what's better than tulle & birdcage veils? tulle & birdcage veils admidst peeling paint & vintage stuff. not only does taylor have one of the prettiest, most unique dresses i have ever seen, but she also made her mom drag out the cowhide chair and foot stool, antique lamp & lampshade for our shoot. let me tell you... she was getting whistles left & right (sara & i decided that we have to instate a whistle counter on all shoots moving forward to keep track of who wins with the most ;) ) & a lady even drove by us to stop & tell taylor how gorgeous she was. we were very, very lucky photographers to get to do bridals with this girl... i mean check out that SMILE! (her dad is a dentist...) she got hitched to her {now hubby} cody this last saturday, which means we get to post her absolutely stunning bridals... so without further adieu, here are sara's & my top ten...

hope you loved them!


cam & sara

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

keep austin weird...

so, sara & i were lucky enough to travel to austin for a whirlwind of a weekend... three photoshoots & cari & bevo's wedding! with so much fun packed into one weekend, we knew it would be a miracle if we came out of it alive... well, i'm sitting at my computer typing this right now, so you know we made it (thank goodness for miracles, eh? :) )

in honor of cari & bevo's wedding, we wanted to post our top 10 favorite (each of us have 5 favorites) photos from cari's bridal session.

cari is gorgeous, but everyone already knew that from our engagement shoot we did in austin awhile ago if you've been religiously following our facebook photo albums. she recently left DC and came home to texas (i like to think that she did it purely for PUREOGRAPHY to be her sole life event photographers... a girl can dream ;) ), so we took out her wedding dress & veil to play. we went to downtown dallas for a more traditional vibe & then drove a long, long, long, long way to kaufman for some country fun (she even brought her boots = awesomeness).

so, now in one convenient, fabulous spot... here are our top 10 photos...

hope you love them!

make sure to follow our blog so you don't miss anything PUREOGRAPHY ;)


cam & sara

Monday, April 12, 2010


ERIN SULLIVAN with her hilarious video parody of the black eyed pea's "boom boom pow." seriously, if y'all haven't seen it, click on my profile, then click on the videos tab to watch it (if you're not my friend, i believe you can click on this link: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1361886137844)... not only will you start crying you're laughing so hard, you might fall off your chair. but you should be willing to take that chance to view the awesomeness. ...gotta get KAT... hahaha.

...& as a SPECIAL surprise... we loved the effort that all our l<3ves put out to enter in this special contest, so as a special treat, so we awarded TWO lucky contestants with $100 off a session.

because not only are we suckers for love & men in uniforms, we also have a soft spot for long distance couples (my hubby lance & i dated long distance for the first 3 years of our relationship), the first runner up is mrs. SHELLY CANNON!

& since we think it is super sad for someone to have never had a professional photo shoot & want to be the first to document your awesomeness, JAMES LEHMAN, was our second runner up.

with all of the entertaining and heart melting submissions, it was sooo hard to choose just one winner, which is why we chose three... and that still caused hours and hours of deliberation. oh, the angst.

since our first contest went so well, i'm thinking there will have to be some more in the near future...

stay tuned, kids...


cam & sara

Friday, April 9, 2010


hot off the press! welcome to our new, all-inclusive blog. :)

since we've been so busy lately & we've been bad bloggers on our own we decided that we would join forces to bring you the new & improved fabulous PUREOGRAPHY blog. i hope you're excited because you're going to be hearing a lot more from us now that we have this brand spankin' new awesome place to post our top ten faves from our latest shoot, announce contests, discuss randomness & beautiful things, gush to all our loves & basically be ourselves!

speaking of contests... make sure you head over to our facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=105802394249 ), fan us, then leave us a little note on the discussion board telling us why you deserve a free photo shoot by 11:59 pm today, 4/9.

speaking of winning things... sara & i have been desperately been trying to win drake tickets for may 19th, but it's to no avail. both our fingers & our iphones are worn out from all of the dialing during the thousands of futile attempts to get our greasy little hands on some tickets for the show... (i might be a little dramatic about thousands, but i know i've personally called 97.9 200+ times). i mean, do people actually win radio contests?

oh well, at least it's sunny, warm & very springish outside... & it's FRIDAY! gosh, i'm pretty sure that makes today a pretty good day. it would be even better if i didn't have to work & could lay out in the sun all day (my skin is starting to be translucent, so it's about time i start getting a little bit of color) & play with my puppdogs & run through the sprinklers... :)

don't you?

love you all,

cam (& sara)