the next big thing in photography
modern vintage dallas photographers

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

sailboats? yes, please.

sorry we've been so MIA lately, but we've been diligently working on getting our new website ready for all you amazing people, you. i know it's taking forever, but it's going to be well worth the wait... chock full of never before seen photo shoots, an about us section (since you stalk us ;) ) and a fancy schmany awesome pantsy new logo! GET EXCITED!

sooooo... we've been really, really, really itching to do a bridal session on a sailboat in austin. we've got the bride, now we just need a sailboat... we thought we had one, but the connection fell through and long story short, now we need YOUR help.

do you happen to know someone who knows someone who knows someone that would take us out on a sailboat in austin for a photo shoot? the sailboat owner can get a disk from the session and we'll take any special photos of the boat the owner would like in addition.
what's in it for you? well, there might be something extra special just for you... in fact, it might be pretty awesome :)

so, if you know someone with a sailboat in austin (or someone willing to travel with their sailboat to austin... we're not picky), send us a holla and we'll get to figuring out what kind of awesomeness we can reward you with!
happy wednesday... love you all!


cam & sara

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