the next big thing in photography
modern vintage dallas photographers
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
congrats are in order!
a special congrats are in order to one of our all time favorite couples, kass & nick. their baby girl, penelope was born this morning!
we can't meet to wait her & get her in front of our cameras :)
cam & sara
kendal & michael
we met with miss kendal & michael at the lovely three points ranch near austin, tx. their furbabies also tagged along for the fun (& to get a family shot for christmas photos so i'm told). at first, i couldn't tell who was less into the photo session: the dogs or michael... but i think we convinced him it was fun & by the end of the shoot he was showing off his modeling skills & even coming up with posing ideas!
they definitely were a strong finish to our austin trip this last weekend.
here's are a few of our faves... make sure to check out our facebook page to see more! Pureography - Facebook
aren't they amazing???
on a COMPLETELY unrelated note, the new ke$ha CD rocks my face off. super awesome dance music. & it's super random, which is my favorite. soooo glad sara & i got tickets to her concert 4/26. it's going to be amazing. in fact, we decided we're going to wear ke$ha costumes to the concert just to fit in... so if y'all have any ideas, feel free to pass them on!
anyone know where we could buy some blue lipstick?
hope you all are having a fabulous week (hopefully it's a short week at work). remember to be thankful for everything in your life & enjoy time with your families!
safe travels!!!
cam & sara
they definitely were a strong finish to our austin trip this last weekend.
here's are a few of our faves... make sure to check out our facebook page to see more! Pureography - Facebook
aren't they amazing???
on a COMPLETELY unrelated note, the new ke$ha CD rocks my face off. super awesome dance music. & it's super random, which is my favorite. soooo glad sara & i got tickets to her concert 4/26. it's going to be amazing. in fact, we decided we're going to wear ke$ha costumes to the concert just to fit in... so if y'all have any ideas, feel free to pass them on!
anyone know where we could buy some blue lipstick?
hope you all are having a fabulous week (hopefully it's a short week at work). remember to be thankful for everything in your life & enjoy time with your families!
safe travels!!!
cam & sara
Saturday, November 20, 2010
emily & brad - engaged!
this last weekend sara & i had a whirlwind of a trip to austin... things were crazy... four photo shoots in two days. the first of these was to celebrate the engagement of emily & brad... at 8 am in the morning ;)
i'm not a morning person, but i must say that the early morning light by the tower and the love emanating from emily & brad got us super stoked. we did some photos by the tower since these two bleed burnt orange & white. we went to their reception site by lake travis for some pictures to show their love for austin. then we went downtown to capture some more artsy photos. it was all in all a crazy morning, but we had way too much fun with these two!
here are some of my favorites from the shoot:
to see more photos from the shoot, please visit our facebook page: Pureography - Facebook
thanks for stopping by & have a great night!!!
cam & sara
i'm not a morning person, but i must say that the early morning light by the tower and the love emanating from emily & brad got us super stoked. we did some photos by the tower since these two bleed burnt orange & white. we went to their reception site by lake travis for some pictures to show their love for austin. then we went downtown to capture some more artsy photos. it was all in all a crazy morning, but we had way too much fun with these two!
here are some of my favorites from the shoot:
to see more photos from the shoot, please visit our facebook page: Pureography - Facebook
thanks for stopping by & have a great night!!!
cam & sara
kass & nick maternity
sooooo it's a little late in the game to be blogging about kass & nick's maternity pics since we did them in october, but since little penelope is due any week now, i figure it's time.
we've followed kass & nick's journey from their engagement to their wedding and now to their maternity pics. they always keep us laughing and we manage to have an awesome time together. plus, they are SUPER photogenic, so what's not to love?
we have big plans for baby penelope once she graces us with her presence, but for now, you'll have to settle for looking through my faves from the maternity shoot. :)
congrats on your baby girl, kass & nick. we can't wait to meet her!
to see more photos from their session, please visit our facebook page & look through our albums. here's the link: Pureography Facebook Page
have a great rest of your saturday evening...
cam & sara
we've followed kass & nick's journey from their engagement to their wedding and now to their maternity pics. they always keep us laughing and we manage to have an awesome time together. plus, they are SUPER photogenic, so what's not to love?
we have big plans for baby penelope once she graces us with her presence, but for now, you'll have to settle for looking through my faves from the maternity shoot. :)
congrats on your baby girl, kass & nick. we can't wait to meet her!
to see more photos from their session, please visit our facebook page & look through our albums. here's the link: Pureography Facebook Page
have a great rest of your saturday evening...
cam & sara
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
another reason we've been a little MIA...
we shot & designed a calendar for the sexy firemen of Garland Fire Department. it's been an extremely long & tedious process (although shooting all those hotties was tons of fun) and we will hopefully have the calendars out soon... no worries, we'll give you the ordering info first hand!
here's just a little preview... & don't mind us in the photo... ;)
love to you all!
cam & sara
here's just a little preview... & don't mind us in the photo... ;)
love to you all!
cam & sara
wondering where we've been?
we've been busy bees trying to get things finished up for 2010 & ready for 2011.
you can look forward to the following:
- a new & improved logo (yeees, AGAIN, but this next one we'll keep for awhile)
- new wedding & session packages & pricing (lots more goodies for y'all)
- increased opportunities to receive special prizes, discounts & other goodies from us for your continued love of us...
AND... the one taking effect immediately...
here's the link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dallas-TX/Pureography/157301834289911
make sure you copy & paste that puppy in your browser & "like" our page so you can stay up to date on all our happenings :)
AAAAAND please pass along our info to your friends & family... if we reach 1,000 fans, we're going to send out 10 $5 starbucks giftcards... get excited.
love to you all...
cam & sara
you can look forward to the following:
- a new & improved logo (yeees, AGAIN, but this next one we'll keep for awhile)
- new wedding & session packages & pricing (lots more goodies for y'all)
- increased opportunities to receive special prizes, discounts & other goodies from us for your continued love of us...
AND... the one taking effect immediately...
here's the link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dallas-TX/Pureography/157301834289911
make sure you copy & paste that puppy in your browser & "like" our page so you can stay up to date on all our happenings :)
AAAAAND please pass along our info to your friends & family... if we reach 1,000 fans, we're going to send out 10 $5 starbucks giftcards... get excited.
love to you all...
cam & sara
Thursday, August 19, 2010
in honor of my mad men marathon...
i decided to blog photos of a lady, who just so happens to love mad men as well, & her amazing family. they're from tennessee & have the most precious baby girl i have ever laid eyes upon. fortunately for me, i happen to be related to them all by marriage. which also means i might be a little biased about how awesome they are. :)
aunt jessi, uncle randy & i took shyla (best name ever, huh?) out to turtle creek for some fun in the park & then drove over to deep ellum for some more photography fun.
i'm in love with these images... & you'll see why...
if you've already checked out our new website at www.pureography.com, you will have seen two of the photos from the session already... but here are a few of my faves in case you missed out on the others (& shame on you, head straight to check out our new website as soon as you're finished reading here! that's a command :) )
cam (& sara)
aunt jessi, uncle randy & i took shyla (best name ever, huh?) out to turtle creek for some fun in the park & then drove over to deep ellum for some more photography fun.
i'm in love with these images... & you'll see why...
if you've already checked out our new website at www.pureography.com, you will have seen two of the photos from the session already... but here are a few of my faves in case you missed out on the others (& shame on you, head straight to check out our new website as soon as you're finished reading here! that's a command :) )
cam (& sara)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
why, hello there, friends...
it's tuesday, which can only mean one thing: it's time to celebrate.
oh wait, that's not right. weeeeeeell, i CAN tell you a reason to celebrate & it starts with "www." & ends with ".com"... with a little "pureography" in between.
that's right... we updated our website! *insert happy dance here*
it's new & improved... complete with a new logo (woot), new, never before seen photos, a special about us section (since you need to know more about your idols, obviously :) ) & more!
we've been working extremely hard on this, so we're very excited... hopefully it will add a little fun to your otherwise mundane week... plus, tomorrow is hump day, so that means your week is just getting better and better!
soooo, go NOW to www.pureography.com.
hopefully you like what you see... feel free to send us some love. :)
cam & sara
p.s. get excited because we are about to start blogging a whole lot more... woot!
oh wait, that's not right. weeeeeeell, i CAN tell you a reason to celebrate & it starts with "www." & ends with ".com"... with a little "pureography" in between.
that's right... we updated our website! *insert happy dance here*
it's new & improved... complete with a new logo (woot), new, never before seen photos, a special about us section (since you need to know more about your idols, obviously :) ) & more!
we've been working extremely hard on this, so we're very excited... hopefully it will add a little fun to your otherwise mundane week... plus, tomorrow is hump day, so that means your week is just getting better and better!
soooo, go NOW to www.pureography.com.
hopefully you like what you see... feel free to send us some love. :)
cam & sara
p.s. get excited because we are about to start blogging a whole lot more... woot!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
sailboats? yes, please.
sorry we've been so MIA lately, but we've been diligently working on getting our new website ready for all you amazing people, you. i know it's taking forever, but it's going to be well worth the wait... chock full of never before seen photo shoots, an about us section (since you stalk us ;) ) and a fancy schmany awesome pantsy new logo! GET EXCITED!
sooooo... we've been really, really, really itching to do a bridal session on a sailboat in austin. we've got the bride, now we just need a sailboat... we thought we had one, but the connection fell through and long story short, now we need YOUR help.
do you happen to know someone who knows someone who knows someone that would take us out on a sailboat in austin for a photo shoot? the sailboat owner can get a disk from the session and we'll take any special photos of the boat the owner would like in addition.
what's in it for you? well, there might be something extra special just for you... in fact, it might be pretty awesome :)
so, if you know someone with a sailboat in austin (or someone willing to travel with their sailboat to austin... we're not picky), send us a holla and we'll get to figuring out what kind of awesomeness we can reward you with!
happy wednesday... love you all!
cam & sara
sooooo... we've been really, really, really itching to do a bridal session on a sailboat in austin. we've got the bride, now we just need a sailboat... we thought we had one, but the connection fell through and long story short, now we need YOUR help.
do you happen to know someone who knows someone who knows someone that would take us out on a sailboat in austin for a photo shoot? the sailboat owner can get a disk from the session and we'll take any special photos of the boat the owner would like in addition.
what's in it for you? well, there might be something extra special just for you... in fact, it might be pretty awesome :)
so, if you know someone with a sailboat in austin (or someone willing to travel with their sailboat to austin... we're not picky), send us a holla and we'll get to figuring out what kind of awesomeness we can reward you with!
happy wednesday... love you all!
cam & sara
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
i'm lame
sorry for the lack in posts/blogs. it's been a very, very busy couple of weeks... and my mom was in town for mother's day (yay!)... trying to catch up now and a real post will happen soon! and get excited because the things we've been working on lately are AMAZING!!!
love to you all...
cam (& sara)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
would you jump in the water for us?
saw this awesome wedding photo and absolutely had to share it!
just wish i had thought of it on my wedding day!!!
seriously, what a fabulously artistically awesome photo... now who can we convince to do it? ;)
happy thursday!
cam (& sara)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
hey hey hey... it's tay tay... && her bridals!
i'm pretty sure you all know that i'm obsessed with tulle & birdcage veils. especially when it comes to bridals. so what's better than tulle & birdcage veils? tulle & birdcage veils admidst peeling paint & vintage stuff. not only does taylor have one of the prettiest, most unique dresses i have ever seen, but she also made her mom drag out the cowhide chair and foot stool, antique lamp & lampshade for our shoot. let me tell you... she was getting whistles left & right (sara & i decided that we have to instate a whistle counter on all shoots moving forward to keep track of who wins with the most ;) ) & a lady even drove by us to stop & tell taylor how gorgeous she was. we were very, very lucky photographers to get to do bridals with this girl... i mean check out that SMILE! (her dad is a dentist...) she got hitched to her {now hubby} cody this last saturday, which means we get to post her absolutely stunning bridals... so without further adieu, here are sara's & my top ten...
hope you loved them!
cam & sara
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
keep austin weird...
so, sara & i were lucky enough to travel to austin for a whirlwind of a weekend... three photoshoots & cari & bevo's wedding! with so much fun packed into one weekend, we knew it would be a miracle if we came out of it alive... well, i'm sitting at my computer typing this right now, so you know we made it (thank goodness for miracles, eh? :) )
in honor of cari & bevo's wedding, we wanted to post our top 10 favorite (each of us have 5 favorites) photos from cari's bridal session.
cari is gorgeous, but everyone already knew that from our engagement shoot we did in austin awhile ago if you've been religiously following our facebook photo albums. she recently left DC and came home to texas (i like to think that she did it purely for PUREOGRAPHY to be her sole life event photographers... a girl can dream ;) ), so we took out her wedding dress & veil to play. we went to downtown dallas for a more traditional vibe & then drove a long, long, long, long way to kaufman for some country fun (she even brought her boots = awesomeness).
so, now in one convenient, fabulous spot... here are our top 10 photos...

in honor of cari & bevo's wedding, we wanted to post our top 10 favorite (each of us have 5 favorites) photos from cari's bridal session.
cari is gorgeous, but everyone already knew that from our engagement shoot we did in austin awhile ago if you've been religiously following our facebook photo albums. she recently left DC and came home to texas (i like to think that she did it purely for PUREOGRAPHY to be her sole life event photographers... a girl can dream ;) ), so we took out her wedding dress & veil to play. we went to downtown dallas for a more traditional vibe & then drove a long, long, long, long way to kaufman for some country fun (she even brought her boots = awesomeness).
so, now in one convenient, fabulous spot... here are our top 10 photos...

hope you love them!
make sure to follow our blog so you don't miss anything PUREOGRAPHY ;)
cam & sara
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