the next big thing in photography
modern vintage dallas photographers

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

keep austin weird...

so, sara & i were lucky enough to travel to austin for a whirlwind of a weekend... three photoshoots & cari & bevo's wedding! with so much fun packed into one weekend, we knew it would be a miracle if we came out of it alive... well, i'm sitting at my computer typing this right now, so you know we made it (thank goodness for miracles, eh? :) )

in honor of cari & bevo's wedding, we wanted to post our top 10 favorite (each of us have 5 favorites) photos from cari's bridal session.

cari is gorgeous, but everyone already knew that from our engagement shoot we did in austin awhile ago if you've been religiously following our facebook photo albums. she recently left DC and came home to texas (i like to think that she did it purely for PUREOGRAPHY to be her sole life event photographers... a girl can dream ;) ), so we took out her wedding dress & veil to play. we went to downtown dallas for a more traditional vibe & then drove a long, long, long, long way to kaufman for some country fun (she even brought her boots = awesomeness).

so, now in one convenient, fabulous spot... here are our top 10 photos...

hope you love them!

make sure to follow our blog so you don't miss anything PUREOGRAPHY ;)


cam & sara

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