the next big thing in photography
modern vintage dallas photographers

Friday, April 9, 2010


hot off the press! welcome to our new, all-inclusive blog. :)

since we've been so busy lately & we've been bad bloggers on our own we decided that we would join forces to bring you the new & improved fabulous PUREOGRAPHY blog. i hope you're excited because you're going to be hearing a lot more from us now that we have this brand spankin' new awesome place to post our top ten faves from our latest shoot, announce contests, discuss randomness & beautiful things, gush to all our loves & basically be ourselves!

speaking of contests... make sure you head over to our facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=105802394249 ), fan us, then leave us a little note on the discussion board telling us why you deserve a free photo shoot by 11:59 pm today, 4/9.

speaking of winning things... sara & i have been desperately been trying to win drake tickets for may 19th, but it's to no avail. both our fingers & our iphones are worn out from all of the dialing during the thousands of futile attempts to get our greasy little hands on some tickets for the show... (i might be a little dramatic about thousands, but i know i've personally called 97.9 200+ times). i mean, do people actually win radio contests?

oh well, at least it's sunny, warm & very springish outside... & it's FRIDAY! gosh, i'm pretty sure that makes today a pretty good day. it would be even better if i didn't have to work & could lay out in the sun all day (my skin is starting to be translucent, so it's about time i start getting a little bit of color) & play with my puppdogs & run through the sprinklers... :)

don't you?

love you all,

cam (& sara)

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